To Confucians, mercy translates to ”°a compassionate heart”±.
In modern terms it is ”°one heart against another”±. It is actually not difficult for a heart to embody mercy; it can appear in your everyday life, work and conversation. Witnessing the bloom of a flower, you marvel at the beauty; witnessing a stray dog by the road, you feel compelled to rescue it; why are there so many detached and troubled people in this world and so many unschooled children? These ruminations are a product of mercy.
All creatures are equal in the eyes of Buddhist philosophy. But the reality is that there are vast inequalities in our world and our focus lays on ”°profit”±. Mercy is built on the relationship between ”°give”± and ”°take”±. Breakdown the ”°gain”± and learn to ”°let go”±.
Give away your assets, not only monetary but a smile, a compliment, concern,
a reminder or aid. A merciful heart will treat others well, treat matters well and will in turn treat the self well. A merciful heart knows and shares joy and is no stranger to fortune.